Friday 18 September 2015

Creating a table in Parquet, Sequence, RCFILE and TextFile format and enabling compression in Hive

Creating a table in Parquet, Sequence, RCFILE and TextFile format in Hive.

My intention was to write an article of different file formats in Hive but happened to notice an article already posted. 
We are using parquet these days apparently because of the compression options and performance with large tables in Hive. Parquet is optimized to work with large data sets and provide good performance when doing aggregation functions such as max or sum.

If you prefer to see the HDFS file in clear text format then you need to store the file in textfile format. This apparently takes more space than the binary formats supported by sequence and rcfile.

Below are examples for creating a table in Parquet ,Sequence, RCfile, TextFile format: Location is optional.

create table IF NOT EXISTS mytable
id int,
age smallint,
name string,
joining_date timestamp,
location string,
roweffectivedate string, batchid int
) STORED AS parquet location 'hdfspathname';

create table IF NOT EXISTS mytable
id int,
age smallint,
name string,
joining_date timestamp,
location string,
roweffectivedate string, batchid int
) STORED AS sequencefile location 'hdfspathname';

create table IF NOT EXISTS mytable
id int,
age smallint,
name string,
joining_date timestamp,
location string,
roweffectivedate string, batchid int
) STORED AS rcfile location 'hdfspathname';

create table IF NOT EXISTS mytable
id int,
age smallint,
name string,
joining_date timestamp,
location string,
roweffectivedate string, batchid int
) STORED AS textfile location 'hdfspathname';

The default storage format is apparently is a comma-delimited TEXTFILE.

Enabling compression in Hive or Impala table:

Apart from the storage format supported in Hive, the data can also be compressed using codecs such as LZO, Snappy, etc. To enable compression in Hive, we use set statements such as below. The below example is for Lzo compression. After the set statements you can use insert statements to insert data to a table and the data will be compressed as per the set statement.

set mapreduce.output.fileoutputformat.compress=true;
set hive.exec.compress.output=true;
set mapred.output.compression.codec=com.hadoop.compression.lzo.LzoCodec;

insert overwrite table tablename partition(dateid) select * from table2;

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